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Blue Bay Nectar Supplement for small pets 120g

倍力娜塔花蜜粉 120g ✦ 微量元素補給


☆ 含有胺基酸、維生素、微量元素及礦物質

☆ 助於羽毛生長及羽色修復

☆ 促進消化機能發展健全


Blue Bay Nectar is an easily prepared food for nectar eating birds and animals including lorikeets , honeyeaters and sugar gliders.

These insectivorous mammals consume large quantities of nectar and pollen in nature. 

They have a great need for carbohydrates because of their high metabolism. Blue Bay Nectar is enriched with important nutritional elements as well as high carbohydrates which are easily assimilated that they need to sustain their high energy level.



Analysis 成分分析:

Approximate analysis of the above diet (dry basis)

Protein      20.0%

Fat   11.0%

Calcium 0.50%

Phosphorus  0.34%

Energy 17.5MJ/kg


Directions 餵食說明:

Stir or shake thoroughly with 1 part Nectar into 4 parts warm water. Serve in clean bowl 3 times a week. Store nectar in refrigerator for one day or freeze in icecube trays for longer. Do not re-freeze thawed nectar.





Authorized Product 原裝行貨


AVAILABLE IN 重量選項: 180g


Futher Details 更多資訊 :


BlueBay 倍力 | Nectar Supplement for small pets 120g 倍力娜塔花蜜粉 120g ✦ 微量元素補給

SKU: 4718201202326
HK$170.00 Regular Price
HK$159.60Sale Price
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